As the Boss, I yield to my fellow Citizens the ability to have a source to freely share your opinion...View More
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As my President Donald J. Trump prepares to leave the White House, I am making this post so it will show back up as a future memory on my timeline. This isn’t a political dispute. I am genuinely curio...View More
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Hello Friends, Together we can Win, and Win Big... This takes us all doing something, Invite Friends and like minded people to join us, Support Count Every Legal Vote, Support Law and Order!
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Hypocrite California Gov. Gavin Newsom Attends Party That Seems To Violate State's COVID Restrictions
After his attendance at a gathering that appeared to violate the state's rules was publicized, Newsom said he made a mistake.
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Brian Sussman's Real News: Watching Trump Win 11/11/2020 - YouTube
The News and Views You Can Use during this challenging time! Today there are some tremendous breakthroughs including in Georgia and Michigan (where 10,000 dead ...
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Brian Sussman's Real News (you'll laugh, they'll scream) 10/10/2020 - YouTube
These episodes are designed to give like-minded patriots encouragement, (divine) hope, and a laugh or two during this challenging time for our nation. In thi...
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