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Mark Coffman

Male. Lives in Milpitas, California, United States. In a relationship.
About Me
As the Boss, I yield to my fellow Citizens the ability to have a source to freely share your opinion...View More
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Mark Coffman
As my President Donald J. Trump prepares to leave the White House, I am making this post so it will show back up as a future memory on my timeline. This isn’t a political dispute. I am genuinely curio...View More
Mark Coffman
So I get a lot of questions about the forth coming app to use MarkMeSafe, and as I suspected, posting the app on Apple or Android (Google) would be a short lived experiment IMHO... How many of you wou...View More
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Patricia Mei
I’d be happy to download straight from this site.
Like January 17, 2021
Mark Coffman
Folk's It's about to get serious. I for one hope we, ie Conservatives keep a cool head. We are the Party of Law and Order, We Stand with the Police, We honor the Military, we Respect those who have sa...View More
Mark Coffman
Hello Friends, Together we can Win, and Win Big... This takes us all doing something, Invite Friends and like minded people to join us, Support Count Every Legal Vote, Support Law and Order!
Mark Coffman
Mark Coffman
Today in Texas, Allen West posted this as an ongoing event, but an FaceBook the video is placed behind a message “this video can not be viewed in restrictive mode” Good thing we are Safe here! https...View More
Mark Coffman
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Mark Coffman
Subscribe when you WATCH... https://youtu.be/n0KFxe4-gCc
Mark Coffman
Welcome my Friends... Please contact me with your thoughts and PLEASE SHARE Mark Me Safe with your friends!
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Mark Coffman
One of my Favorite Talk Show Hosts! Please Subscribe at YouTube! https://youtu.be/F6toqLFa3fs
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